The Supp is up-and-running.
You can access it via
The COMP3311 Supp Exam will be held on Friday 14 January from 1pm to 5pm.
The exam format will be the same as the November Final Exam (but all new questions).
The exams are marked. We don't release exam marks. Now what I need to do is go through all the items on my TODO list. Marks don't need to be submitted to Astra until Monday morning, so I can do this cleaning up over the weekend. Final* marks will be released by UNSW next Wednesday. I put "Final*" because they can always be adjusted if I've forgotten to include some mark (e.g. I missed something on the TODO list).
We'll start marking exams today. Should have that wrapped up by mid next week (Wed 8 Dec).
In the meantime I will wade my way through all the items on my TODO list.
I will also be running plagiarism checking on the assignments and the Python exam question.
Marks need to be finalised by
Fri 10
Mon 13 Dec for release the following week.
Plagiarism cases will get a WD grade; people with Supp Exams get a WC grade (if Astra will let me).
Marks can be adjusted after release if I forgot to include something.
There is no q5.sql file, and you don't need one. Simply use the views that were defined in the earlier questions. This was explained in the Notes page and is also mentioned in the Instructions section on the Q5 page.
The first example in Q5 was rubbish. I've removed it.
In case you're on that page, refresh in your browser
If you get a "Coming Soon .." message when you access
clear your browser cache
The database for this exam is "property". If you're looking at a page that says "music", refresh the page.
The best way to access the Final Exam material is via
You don't actually need to access Webcms3 at all during the exam, unless you want to submit your answers via Webcms3.
Communications in the exam:
Don't run graphics-heavy programs on d.cse (vxdb)
Submit your answer as you complete each question, to avoid the end-of-exam bottleneck.
I think this exam is easier than the 20T3 exam. For a start, it only has 10 questions, not 12.
Good luck!
Richard Liu, one of our tutors, has compiled a list of questions, which seems to cover most conerns that students have. I'll answer these here:
I will open the exam materials just before 1pm on Tuesday 30 November.
If 500 students all try to access the exam material through Webcms3 at 1pm, Webcms3 will grind to a halt. You do not need to access exam material via Webcms3. There is a direct link you can use:
Use that! And you will avoid the frustration of waiting for Webcms3 to handle your request at the start of the exam.
Similarly, if everyone tries to submit their answers at the end of the exam, Give will grind to a halt (and if you're submitting via Webcm3, it will appear that Webcms3 has ground to a halt).
Submit your answers as you complete each question.
Hopefully, d.cse (a.k.a. vxdb) can handle 400+ PostgreSQL servers, but it will struggle if you insist on running vscode on it as well. Do not run vscode on d.cse . Use d.cse just for PostgreSQL and do your editing on some other machine. I've shown you how to use multiple windows on VLab, one for editing files and one for running your PostgreSQL server. You can access your exam working directory from both windows.
Of course, you can avoid many of the above problems by doing all of your work on your home machine. Working on your home machine also avoids network lag/unreliability.
I'll post more comments on doing the exam later today ...
Congrats! 57% response rate on MyExperience.
It seems that some of the tests still didn't avoid some of the ambiguous cases that were discussed in various places, so I'll have to redo the auto-marking. I assume that this will increase most people's auto-mark.
i now officially hate Assignment 2 :-(
As for finding out your marks: go to the sturec page (click on the little graph icon), then click on the "Submit Your Work" link, and then click on the "Collect Your Submission" tab. If it's been marked, you'll get the marking output .If it hasn't been marked, ask your tutor.
MyExperience finishes today. Forget about the link on the Moodle site. Go straight to the MyExperience site . Now the CSE Head of School is unhappy with the COMP3311 response rate. Please make him happy.
And for a sweetner, I'll give everyone a 1 mark bonus on the Exam if the response rate hits 50% (it's currently 28%). Since the survey is anonymous, I can't give this bonus just to the people who fill the survey.
If you want to query an assignment mark, send email to (or directly to Don't post on the forum.
I will add them to my TODO list and will investigate when I have time, which may not be before the exam, but will be before the final marks are released
I've added a new poll to find out where people plan to do their exam prac work. If very many people want to use vxdb (d.cse), then we'll tweak the configuration to make sure it can handle the load.
The response rate for MyExperience has been pretty low so far (only 20%). The people who run MyExp are crying about this (sob, sob). Please do the course evaluation to make them happier. I pay most attention to the written feedback in the "This course could be improved by ..." question.
I will not be answering any more forum questions like "what day/time is the final exam?"
Tuesday 30 November. Questions open 1pm. Submissions close 5pm.
If you want find out more about the exam, check out the Week 10 Thursday Online Session video.
An old sample exam, along with last year's final exam, are available under the Exams link.
The submission pages are dummies, so don't expect submissions to work.
For anyone having trouble accessing MyExperience via Moodle, try this direct link .
Reminder: I’m visiting the fracture clinic this afternoon, so can’t run the usual help session.
The usual (and final) online session will run at 9:15 on Thursday.
Since week 6, I have been trying to set up Ass1 marking, but circumstances have continually interrupted me. I plan to finish setting up Ass1 for marking in the next day or two (but of course will be constantly interrupted). The overall plan: Ass1 marks available mid week 11, Ass2 marks available end week 11.
A suggestion for MyExperience ... "This course could be improved by ... having a course admin to handle assignment marking"
The real Quiz 6 is now available
No scope for making a preview video this week, so ...
I changed a couple of test cases: 04 to get rid of the AW grade, 12 to fix ENGG3600.
They're in a new file. They'll work with a fully-patched DB. If test 12 fails, apply patch4.sql and try again.
If Q4 fails, try ordering the terms by or terms.starting
It has been pointed out that some of the clarifications to the assignment spec have only appeared in the Forum. The two important of these ("Eligible to graduate" and formatting of "-" for null marks/grades) have been added to the spec and I'll try to find examples of both and add them to the Examples page.
For auto-marking, we will make sure to avoid ambiguous/contentious edge cases (e.g. grades indicating "unresolved").
And, a final data bug, some of the definitions had "ENG3600" rather than "ENGG3600". There's a new patch to fix this (patch4.sql), but I've also put in a new version of mymyunsw.dump with all patches applied). In the spirit of side-stepping auto-marking problems, we'll avoid any students who studied this, so the patch is really just aesthetic.
And this is the last update I plan to post for the assignment.
Submission is open
There's a new after we found an order problem in one file. Replace your existing test files.
If you want to rebuild the database from scratch, don't forget to apply the patches.
We will not use any examples of enrolment in two programs or two streams in our testing.
Wed 10 Nov 2-4
Also, has anyone found a student who has actually satisfied all the requirements of their program/stream and has the required total UOC?
Ass2 is now due before 9pm on Monday 15 November.
This was noted 4 days ago, but I think it may have gotten lost in all the other Notice text.
If you want to pass the check tests, you'll need to apply all of the patches to your database.
There is now ~cs3311/web/21T3/assignments/ass2/files/patch3.sql
In case you've forgotten which patches you applied, you can incorporate these patches multiple times without breaking anything.
We've now added (courtesy of Richard Liu) the testing setup. Accessible via the [Testing] link in the assignment spec.
I also fixed a few glitches in the examples, added some extra clarifications to the Spec file, and added a new patch file to fix the database to be consistent with what's shown in the Examples:
Tomorrow's online session will be dedicated to Assignment 2, especially the fine details of Q3. I have another meeting at 5.30, so the session will need to end by then.
I don't have time to make a Preview Video this week
Somehow, one of the pattern academic object groups was flagged as enumerated.
The following SQL statement will fix this
update academic_object_groups set defby='pattern' where id=685973;
And please apply patch1.sql before asking me (again) why CSE owns the 3707 program.
Also, not that an academic object can be offered by any kind of OrgUnit (school, faculty, etc)
There are some fixes for the database in the file
You might like to read this file before applying it, which you do via
psql mymyunsw -f /home/cs3311/web/21T3/assignments/ass2/files/patch1.sql
There are also additions in the Specification, Grades and Rules (in red) and some fixes in Examples.
Having just spent five hours slowly answering Forum questions, and having to wait for hours for the CSE servers to come back online, I'm done for the day. I'll do more examples (incl Q3) tomorrow
Note that some of the questions on the Forum could have been answered by you running judicious queries and by me pointing out that the current mymyunsw, with the above patches applied, is the database we'll be using for marking.
The original plan was to have Ass2 sorted out by last Monday, but moving house and breaking arm intervened. I plan to extend the Ass 2 deadline to 9pm on Monday 15 November.
I'll set up something for you to run the auto-marking on Ass1 yourself, so you can check why it failed some tests, while I finish setting it up for tutors to mark.
I've added examples for Q1 and Q2. These should be enough to work what outputs to produce. I'll do Q3 tomorrow.
The sql query in this question was technically incorrect. That wasn't the intention of the question. Assume that it will execute correctly. And I just fixed it in the question so that it is correct.
I've added extra examples to the Examples page, and comments about WAM calculation.
The Q2 examples cover all possible cases (as much as I can work out).
I'll upload the video from this morning.
I'll do more tomorrow.
I'll run today's online session at 9;15. Typing with one hand makes it tricky, though.
Now I have go to fracture clinic at 2pm Wednesday. If I
can get something minimal set up at home, I’ll try run an
extra session on Thursday.
Annoying. Very annoying. Don’t ever fall down stairs
Shoulder is broken (again! If you happened to notice the sling on last year’s videos), and very sore hip. No Online Session today. I will try to use tomorrow’s help session as a replacement for today
I just fell down a flight of stairs at Uni. Currently in in POW. Will try make it to the Online Session, but no guarantees. Very annoying (and painful)
I'm moving house and won't be near a keyboard for the next couple of days (i.e. until Tuesday 2nd November).
Because the new place doesn't have a suitable workspace, I'll be working from my office in K17 for the rest of the year.
I noticed in the online session this morning that the 20T1 marks had been messed up. Everyone was given FL rather than SY. This has been fixed.
I've also added the Rules and Academic_object_groups data, so the database is now as complete as it's going to get. You have sufficient data to do all three assignment questions.
I'd suggest (re)building your mymyunsw database with the latest dump:
Still todo: example outputs, testing harness, Give.
There's a mostly complete draft of the spec now available via the Assignments page. Definitely enough for you to start planning your strategy for extracting the data. And there is enough data in the DB to complete Q1. Still todo: add Rules data, provide example outputs, develop a testing script. set up Give submissions.
If you're having trouble ssh'ing to the d.cse server
ssh $
It takes you to the same machine (d.cse)
Thanks to other meetings, I need to move today's Help Session from 2-4 to 3-5.
Unfortunately, I can't change the entry in to reflect this, which means no bookings today (sorry, Maria).
I've got a version of the Assignment 2 database for you to play with
It uses the SQL schema given in the SQL schema page.
It contains a bunch of fake students and their enrolment in CSE degrees (except Bioinformatics, which I, ahem, forgot).
I'll be finishing off the data (the program/stream Rules and associated tables) on Tuesday and make them available as a separate SQL upload file.
In the meantime, you can play with this data, and let me know if anything looks odd. I know a few things (e.g. people enrolled in two different programs in the same term) but nothing that will affect the assignment. These glitches are a result of the downloads I use to populate the database.
One of my 4th year students has written an app to manage booking consultations between students and staff.
I'd like to try it out in a "live" course (i.e. this one).
Login via zID/zPass (like for Webcms3). It will hopefully give a calendar-like view where you can book a consultation. I've set it up for Wednesday Help Session.
There's a description of the database for Assignment 2 if you want to start looking at it while I continue to populate the database and finish off the assignment spec. There's a highly annotated ER model and a minimally-commented SQL schema . The assignment will require you to write three Python+psycopg2 scripts for extracting data from this database. You can also write SQL views and PLpgQSL functions to assist the Python scripts. We'll give you templates for all of these. We'll talk about Python+psycopg2 in the online sessions this week.
There are two new prac exercises and more on the way.
I hope to have Assignment 2 ready for Monday Week 7. It involves using Python to access a MyUNSW-like student database. It'll be due at the end of Week 9.
If you didn't know, our degrees are currently accredited
by the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
This means that you qualify for membership of the ACS when
you graduate.
ACS are visiting CSE next week to re-accredit all our degrees. They want to meet (virtually) with students to find out what you think of your degree and how it's preparing you to work in the IT industry.
They plan to meet students over Zoom on Wed 20 October 10.30-11.30.
If you're interested in representing CSE as a student, send email to
Looking for a chance to 🤯 apply your technical skills to solve a real-life problem 🤯? Want to learn invaluable 💻 programming 💻 and 📊 statistical analysis 📈 skills while networking with industry representatives? Look no further, just join ✨ WIT x Nine Presents: Datalympics ✨ held in collaboration with 💖 Nine 💖!!!
It looks like a few people are running graphics-heavy programs (gedit, firefox, xvnc, etc.) on d.cse .
Do not run such programs on d.cse . If you need a graphical interface, login to the regular VLab servers (vx1, vx2, etc) and run your graphics-heavy programs there, with a terminal window onto d.cse. I showed how to do this in the Online Session last Wednesday.
Running graphics-heavy programs on d.cse slows the machine down for everyone else who's simply trying to run PostgreSQL servers.
Before this question is asked again on the forum ...
Just because two beers have the same name, style and ABV, it does not mean that they are the same beer.
You can recognise that beers are the same via their ID value.
Help session Wed 2-4 @
Dawei Dong pointed out that I had no examples for collab beers for Q10. I've added an example to the Examples page ('Double Hazy IPA').
There is now an additional testing script ( check2.sql ) that checks the order of output tuples in Q12. The original tests (in check.sql ) check that you had the correct lines, but didn't check the order.
The Testing page has been updated with more details.
P.S. Do NOT use give on d.cse . I've mentioned this a couple of times, but there are still people today submitting on d.cse and having their submission go to the wrong place.
Hopefully you all noticed that each page on the Assignment spec has a bunch of tabs leading to other potentially useful pages. Make sure you look at these.
I have just added a new one [Submitting] which describes in excruciating detail how to manage your files, how to submit your work, and how we will test it.
If you are working on your home machine, you can copy the
, the
template, and the
script to your home machine. You'll find these files in
the directory
Do not submit the assignment using give on d.cse
It submits, but puts the submission in the wrong place. Tedious for us to fix.
A couple of questions keep popping up on the forum. In theory, you should search whether the question has already been asked before asking (again).
Q11 : the order of some lines is different between my output and the sample output
This is caused by differences in the collation settings on different PostgreSQL installations. But it doesn't matter because the testing is done on sets of output lines, not lines in a particular order.
Even if we cared about the order, we'll be running your query on a machine with a particular collation setting and the expected output will have the same collation setting, therefore the same order. You should probably avoid doing your own collation settings in the query in your final submission.
There's a similar issue with Q6.
Q12 : how many outputs should I have? One per brewery? One single chunk of text for the whole thing?
None of the above. Each line in the output is a single output tuple. Note the number of rows at the end of the query. That's the number of output tuples (lines containing a single text string) that you should be producing.
The output order for Q12 does matter, but see comment above about collation.
And the output for foundation year is "founded Year", not "founded in Year"
I'm sure most of you haven't gone near the Moodle page for course (except maybe to get to the Echo360 videos), but the Moodle Enhance Project is deparate for feedback. They sent me this message to relay to you ...
Channel: Moodle course announcement
Subject: Moodle Enhance pilot – we are listening to your feedback
Hi students! The Moodle Enhance project team wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your early feedback. We have already planned new features that many of you have suggested, for our next release in 2022, including but not limited to:
We will also contact you later in the term about giving more detailed feedback in a survey and focus groups, with the chance to win UNSW Grad Shop vouchers. Until then, please continue to give feedback online and contact us at if you have any other questions or need help with the updated Moodle layout.
Kind regards, Moodle Enhance Project Team
The final pieces in the puzzle are now in place
Getting correct for all check.sql tests implies a decent auto-mark, but remember that we are doing additional tests on a different database, which may reveal problems in your code.
Hint for Q12: return one text value for each line of sample output
Let me know if you think there's anything wrong in the check.sql tests. And remember that you can load and reload multiple times. The first time you load you'll see NOTICEs; not a problem.
If anyone else is thinking of coming to the Help Session today, I have to "step out" for 30 mins (3:00 - 3:30). I'll come back to the session after that. There's currently nobody needing help, so hopefully that will be ok.
In case anyone is considering dropping this course (and I can't imagine why, given how entertaining my t-shirts are), you should do it before this weekend. If you don't, you'll end up paying for a course that you don't intend to complete. Waste of money.
There's now a script to test your views. This is described on the Testing Script page. The rest of this script, to test your functions, will be added soon.
Today's online session is 4-6 ... not 2-4 as I erroneously put in the previous notice.
Things happening in COMP3311 Week 04 ...
If you need to ask questions that require someone to look at your code, send it via email to
Do not post code on the forum.
New stuff for the assignment:
This is enough for you to get working on all questions ... if you watch all of the SQL and the PLpgSQL videos.
The templates for the PLpgSQL functions have been added to ass1.sql . For people who have already copied ass1.sql , there's also a separate file xtra.sql containing just the PLpgSQL function templates.
Still to come:
Let me know if anything is inconsistent/unclear/missing.
There's an updated version of the assignment specification , which includes all of the SQL query questions (Q1-Q9), but not yet the PLpgSQL questions. The SQL questions should keep you entertained for a couple of hours.
I've also put the new database dump in the assignment directory. This is the final version that you'll use for the assignment. For auto-marking, we'll use this, plus a secret database (same schema, different data).
There's also a new ass1.sql which contains templates for all of the SQL query questions (Q1-Q9).
Next on the TODO list: PLpgSQL specs and templates, example outputs, and the magical SQL testing script (which you load into the database).
If the links above don't work, you can simply copy the ass1.dump and ass1.sql files as described in the assignment specification .
Reminder: I'm running a Help Session today (Wed 29 Sept) from 2pm-4pm
If you come along, turn on your microphone and say hello. My Zoom window will be in the background so I won't see you arrive.
I'm still working on a juicy set of queries and functions. When they're released (tonight?) they'll come with an updated database, and testing functions. I found a few glitches in the original DB, which I'm now fixing.
There's a preliminary draft of Assignment 1 up now. It doesn't have a list of all the queries and functions that you'll eventually have to write, but you can load the database and have a poke around in it. Similarly, you might want to look at the database schema (both ER and SQL).
I'll talk about it in the lecture tomorrow.
The exercises and a complete ass1.sql template, plus testing scripts will appear in the next couple of days.
The best place to get help with setting up your PostgreSQL server on d.cse would be to ask your tutor towards the end of the tute. (Tutors: you'll get paid up to 1 hour extra to do this, for this week only)
Otherwise, I'll be running a Help Session on Wed 29 Sept from 2pm-4pm for this
If 100 people show up to this, it's obviously not going to work. You should work your way through Prac Exercise 02 first.
Note: I'm only going to help for installation on d.cse ; helping for someone's arbitrary home setup is simly not feasible.
Coming up in Week 03 (in case you didn't watch the preview video ) ...
Don't forget that the first Quiz is due by midnight tonight. As of 9:30am, 150 people still had not submitted.
You can submit multiple times. Only the last submission is marked.
Note: quizzes are normally due on Friday at 9pm. Don't assume the midnight deadline always applies.
Since the tutors have decided to use a variety of tutorial delivery options, we've added a new Tutorial Links page, which tells you where to go.
All tutes will eventually have an entry. If your tute currently has no link set up, use BbC,
What's happening in week 2 of COMP3311
I shouldn't have used separate Zoom links for the online sessions on different days.
People are using the link for Thursday as well as Tuesday.
So let's stick with just one link for both online sessions
(the Zoom link above).
I've finally finished Prac Exercise 02 , which describes how to set up your PostgreSQL server on Let me know if anything is unclear.
The video (and one measly data file) from today's online session is available via the " Online Sessions " link in the sidebar.
A few people managed to get a PostgreSQL server running during the session, but it seems more detailed instructions are needed. I'm working on Prac Exercise 02 for this. Out soon.
Actually, Problem-solving Sessions ..
Tuesday 4-6 ...
Thursday 10-11 ...
bring your questions to the session.
I've put up the videos for Week 0 (ok, late) and Week 1. Check out the " Slides and Videos " link in the sidebar menu of the course website.
There are three polls for me to find out a little more about the background of the class.
Please fill them out when you have time.
They're accessible via the right-hand sidebar on the course web page:
Some new things that we're trying in 2021 T3 ...
We'll be testing these in O-week. We have fall back positions for both ...
Fingers crossed ...
Webcms3 does a great job of letting you clone previous course web-site structures , but unfortunately also clones out-of-date content and makes it visible to students. If you see anything that looks like it doesn't fit with the 21T3 offering, let me know. I'm crawling around the web site now trying to find such content, but might miss some.
Hi, all, and welcome to an exciting term of data crunching!
Much of the material will be the same as the last time the course ran (e.g. videos). However, the assignments will all be different and I plan to make some changes to the Course Notes, the tute exercises and the prac exercises.
Note that I will need to update most of the links, which still lead to the 20T3 versions of things (Webcms3's version of "cloning" course content doesn't extend to updating the links unfortunately).
We'll be using both PostgreSQL (v11?12?13?) and SQLite3 for database work, and Psycopg2 for the database/programming interface.
The timetable says that some classes will run face-to-face, but the chances of that happening in the current circumstances are zero up to week 6 and very close to zero after that. Whatever class you register for, assume that it will be online for the whole term.