UNSW Women in Technology’s (WIT) data analytics event will give you the opportunity to apply their technical skills in a competitive environment. The competition takes place over the course of a day and there will be a given prompt and data set to analyse. The competition culminates in the final presentations of teams’ solutions, which will be judged by the Nine representatives. This competition will help you learn valuable skills in statistical analysis and programming.
—- PRIZES —-
1st Place: Coffee with CTO plus $400
2nd Place: Resume checks plus $300
3rd Place: $200
You will be working together in teams of up to 5 people (with at least 1 female per team). Team members from all degrees and backgrounds are welcome!
Date: Saturday 23rd October
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Registration link:
Facebook Event Link:
To prepare for the data analytics competition, UNSW WIT will be holding a workshop that gives you the technical understanding of how to tackle problems and allow you to be as prepared as possible for the competition.
Date: Thursday 21st October
Time: 5:30-7:00PM
Location: Zoom
RSVP form: https://forms.gle/pdjSvik1CtNQ3YyX7
Resource created Sunday 17 October 2021, 02:21:01 PM, last modified Sunday 17 October 2021, 02:31:38 PM.