Submit your ass1.sql file here

Make sure that it loads without error if you do the following:

dropdb ass1
createdb ass1
psql ass1 -f ~cs3311/web/21T3/assignments/ass1/ass1.dump 
psql ass1 -f ass1.sql

NOTICE s are ok; ERROR s are not

Resource created Thursday 07 October 2021, 05:30:26 PM, last modified Saturday 09 October 2021, 05:14:00 PM.

You can also submit using give cs3311 ass1 file1 file2 file3 ...
Hold CTRL when clicking files to upload multiple files at the same time.

Upload your completed ass1.sql

Make sure that it loads without error if you do the following:

dropdb ass1
createdb ass1
psql ass1 -f ~cs3311/web/21T3/assignments/ass1/ass1.dump
psql ass1 -f ass1.sql 

You can also check your submission using 3311 classrun -check ass1


You can also collect your submission using 3311 classrun -collect ass1


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